Dr. Y. Alicia Hong

Dr. Y. Alicia Hong

Researcher, Educator, and Public Health Communicator


Major scientific contributions since 2017:  

1. Development and evaluation digital health intervention for chronic self-care and caregiving

a) Guo Y, Hong YA*, Cai W, Li L, Hao Y…..Panedo F. Effect of a Mobile Health Intervention on Depressive Symptoms in People Living with HIV in China: The Run4Love Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res2020;22(2):e16715. PMC7058168

b) Guo Y, Xu Z, Qiao J, Hong YA*, Zhang H, Zeng C, et al. Development and feasibility testing of a mHealth (SMS+WeChat) intervention to improve medication adherence and quality of life among people living with HIV: A pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth2018 (Sep 04); 6(9):e10274. PMC6231726

c) *Hong YA, Goldberg D. Ory MG, Towne S, Forjuoh S, Wang S. Efficacy of a mobile-enabled web app (iCanFit) in promoting physical activity among older cancer survivors: A pilot study. JMIR Cancer2015 (Jun 26); 1(1):e7. doi:10.2196/cancer.4389.  PMC5367673

d) *Hong Y, Goldberg D, Dahlke DV, Ory MG, Cargill JS, Coughlin R, Hernadez E, Kellstedt D, Peres SC. Testing usability and acceptability of a web application (iCanFit) to promote physical activity among older adults. JMIR Human Factors2014;1(1):e2. PMC4797672

2. Use of social media apps to connect hard-to-reach and underserved populations

a) Hong YA, Shen K, Han H, Ta Park V, Bagchi P, Lu HK, Chen H, Wang JH. A WeChat-based Intervention, Wellness Enhancement for Caregivers (WECARE), for Chinese American Dementia Caregivers: Pilot Assessment of Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy. JMIR Aging2023;6:e42972. doi: 10.2196/42972. PMC10131589

b) Hong YA, Yee S, Bagchi P, Juon HS, Kim SC, Le D. Social media-based intervention to promote HBV screening and liver cancer prevention among Korean Americans: Results of a pilot study. Digital Health. 2022 Feb;8. PMC8819816

c) Cheng X, Lin SY, Wang K, Hong YA, Zhao X, Gress D, Wojtusiak J, Cheskin LJ, Xue H. Healthfulness assessment of recipes shared on Pinterest: natural language processing and content analysis. JMed Internet Res. 2021 Apr 20;23(4):e25757. PMC8097524

d) Hong YA, Juon HS, Chou WY. Social media apps used by immigrants in the United States: challenges and opportunities for public health research and practice. mHealth. 2021;7. PMC8572748

3. Patient/user engagement and mechanism of action in digital health interventions

a) Guo Y, Li Y, Yu C, Xu H, Hong YA, Wang X, Zhang N, Zeng Y, Monroe-Wise A, et al. Long-term Effects of a Social Media–Based Intervention (Run4Love) on Depressive Symptoms of People Living With HIV: 3-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J of Med Internet Res.2022 Jun 28;24(6):e36809. PMC9277532

b) Li Y, Guo Y, Hong YA, Zeng Y, Monroe-Wise A, Zeng C, Zhu M, Zhang H, Qiao J, Xu Z, Cai W. Dose–response effects of patient engagement on health outcomes in an mHealth intervention: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2022 Jan 4;10(1):e25586.  PMC8767469

c) Li Y, Guo Y, Hong YA, Zhu M, Zeng C, Qiao J, et al. Effects and mechanisms of a WeChat-based intervention on suicide among people living with HIV and depression: A path model analysis. J Med Internet Res2019;21(11):e14729. PMC6906623

d) Jiang S, Hong YA. Mobile-based patient-provider communication in cancer survivors: the roles of health literacy and patient activation. Psycho-Oncology. 2017;1–6. PMID: 29193503.

4. Patient-provider communication in the digital era:

a) McKeown L, Hong YA, Kreps GL, Xue H. Trends and differences in perceptions of patient-centered communication among adults in the US.Patient Educ Couns. 2023 Jan 1;106:128-34. PMID: 36270858

b) Hong YA, Hossain MD, Chou WYS. Digital interventions to facilitate patient-provider communication in cancer care: a systematic review. Psycho-Oncology, 2020; 1-13.PMID: 31834650.

c) Lin Y, Hong YA, Henson BS, Stevenson RD, Hong S, Lyu T, Liang C*. Assessing patient experience and healthcare quality of dental care using patient online reviews in the United States: Informatics methods. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(7):e18652. PMID: 32673240 PMC7380989

d) Jiang S, Hong YA, Li PL. Trends of online patient-provider communication among cancer survivors from 2008 to 2017: A digital divide perspective. J Cancer Surviv.2019 Apr;13(2):197-204. PMID: 30756225.

5. Relationship of digital divide and health disparities.

a) Jiang S, Hong YA. Clinical trial participation in America: The roles of eHealth engagement and patient–provider communication. Digital Health.2021 Dec;7. PMCID: PMC8679028

b) Hong YA, Jiang S. Li PL. Use of patient portals of electronic health records remains low from 2014 to 2018: Results from a national survey and policy implications. Am J Health Promot.2020 Jul;34(6):677-680. PMID: 32030989.

c) Hong YA,Cho J. Assessment of eHealth behaviors in national surveys: A systematic review of instruments. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 De c 1;25(12):1675-1684. PMC7647151

d) Hong YA. Cho J. Has the digital health divide widened? Trends of health-related internet use among older adults From 2003 to 2011. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci.2017 Sep 1;72(5):856-863. PMID: 27558403